More pictures, tweets, quotes, and some
spoilers after the jump
Kristen Stewart at WonderCon for 'Snow White and The Huntsman' (March 17, 2012)
Fan Pictures

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via FierceBitchStew
Tweets from RamasScreen
Q&A Panel - HitFix's Live Blog
- 2:34 p.m. "I think the most challenging thing was being true to the original material... and yet bringing it to a new, contemporary audience," Sanders says. He says that he wanted this to be a universal story, for young male viewers, not just for young female viewers.
- 2:34 p.m. Before beginning production, they shot a trailer on the Disney ranch just to show everybody what their vision was. They didn't have a horse. They only had one suit of armor. But it was enough to get the support of the studio.
- 2:36 p.m. Charlize Theron is back and... Kristen Stewart is here. Stewart was a total surprise. She wasn't in the program.
- 2:37 p.m. "I'm really really proud of this guy," Stewart says of Sanders. Of her character she says that it's rare that everything she wanted in the character is there. "Is there an Evil Queen Meter I don't know about?" Charlize says when asked how evil her queen is. "Who are we kidding? We're kids. We get to go play. We're not curing cancer," Theron says. She adds that everybody has a different name and a different image for her character. "Everybody has an idea of her and there's something kinda nice about f***ing with that idea," Theron says.
- 2:39 p.m. "I have, sadly, not the body of Chris Hemsworth, but I make up for it in other ways," Sanders says, when asked about the eponymous Huntsman. He praises Hemsworth's intuitive and emotionally grounded performance that goes beyond just the physical.
- 2:40 p.m. Ask about the draw of the character, Stewart says, "I hurt myself a lot. It was fun. That was one of the things that I was initially really attracted to. What drives her is just interesting. It's not cool for me to have inexplicable brawn and just shatter men in armor," She adds, "I got to jump off of cliffs and ride horses."
- 2:45 p.m. "Snow White and the Huntsman" continues to kick some "Mirror Mirror" butt when it comes to trailers. The new trailer features actually Kristen Stewart dialogue! It also features our first scenes with the dwarves, who are played by non-dwarves like Ian McShane. This movie really does look like it's gonna kick a bit of butt.
- 2:46 p.m. K-Stew fell off a horse when she was nine. She hurt herself and dislocated her elbow. She didn't want to do horse work again, but she decided she wanted to do this movie and she decided, "If I perish by horse, it's all good."
- 2:47 p.m. How does Charlize Theron play evil so well? "That's cuz I'm a bitch," Theron says. She calls this her Bitch Period, like Picasso's Blue Period.
- 2:47 p.m. "I think, essentially, we're pretty true to who she is, brass tacks core personality traits," Stewart says, though she wanted to make sure this was a character who had been thought about and not just a basic archetype.
- 2:48 p.m. "Hey now... I could have a full-on 'Twilight' conversation right now, but I'm not going to do that," Stewart says, protesting when it's suggested that she's playing a badass, rather than her typical damsel in distress. She liked the character because her badassery made sense and because the character is "brimming." "I can, in so many different parts of my life, relate and love that about her," Stewart says. "Kristen's very explosive in action. She sprints like a 100-meter sprinter... She keeps up with the men," the director says.
- 2:54 p.m. "Are you single?" Thereon asks a kid asking a question of Stewart, "I think you're adorable." "Everything I've done always feels really different," Stewart says. "That was a really extended period of my life and it was very much its own thing and I love that character and Snow White couldn't be more different," Stewart says of transitioning from "Twilight" to "Snow White."
- 2:52 p.m. Why did they go with regular-sized actors for dwarfs? Sanders says that he wanted to use dwarfs, but Tarsem took all of them for "Mirror Mirror." That's a joke. It turns out he had been developing a British gangster movie that fell through and he just wanted to use some of the same actors.
- 2:54 p.m. Sanders thinks the actors made the fairy tale characters feel real and grounded and relevant. "Without a good story, you're just making wallpaper. And I didn't want to make wallpaper."
- 2:55 p.m. "It's amazing that we get to do this. Does it look like we're having fun? We get to play. We get to put crowns on our heads and scream at people and play mean. IT's amazing. It's the greatest job ever," Theron tells another tiny child.
- 2:56 p.m. Sanders gave Stewart a book about Joan of Arc for research. She admits that she didn't read it...
*SPOILER ALERT* Description of the 5 minute long clip from ComingSoon's Live Blog
The footage begins with a battle that we've seen in the previous trailers.
- 2:46 Knights are riding on horseback, doing battle with an army that, when they're struck, shatter into tiny shards.
- 2:46 This appear to be the Queen's magical army. She's making her move across the land, conquering.
- 2:47 The queen talks to the mirror, who tells her another is now fairer than she and it will cause her power to wane.
- 2:47 A man is sent to steal Snow White's heart (literally), but she escapes into the Dark Forest.
- 2:48 The Huntsman is brought before the Queen. He's the only one who has been in the dark forest before, but he doesn't want to help catch Snow White.
- 2:48 We see the dark forest. It's filled with black smoke, tentacle trees, little dragons and bats.
- 2:49 The Huntsman finds Snow White, but helps her, traveling with her deeper into the forest to protect her.
- 2:49 We see some kind of a monster that looks like a bit like a minotaur. It attacks Snow White and the Huntsman.
- 2:50 Later, they've been caught in a trap and are dangling from a rope. The dwarfs approach.
- 2:50 When Snow White explains that she is the daughter of King Magnus, the dwarves agree to follow her lead.
- 2:51 The whole group heads to a better part of the forest. Everything that seemed ominous before is now positive. There are white horses (maybe llamas?), a giant turtle covered in moss and tiny forest sprites.
- 2:51 Later, Snow White realizes that she can see what the Queen sees and realizes that she can kill the Queen.
- 2:52 There are a lot of shots of the Queen aging.
Thank you.