This last day in Canada marked a break from the two previous weeks that were horrible and sad when it came to the weather. It was so cold. For the last day, we finally had some sun and it was nice. Then for the last scene, we got to film on a beach, facing the ocean. There are worse work conditions.
How was the mood on set?
It was really nice. There were more than a hundred people for the last scene, which was great. I’d already done my biggest scenes with Kristen so we were able to relax. Like I said, we had nice weather so it was a nice way to end everything.
How do you feel now that everything is over?
I don’t really realize it. I’ve been part of this journey for a while now and it didn’t register yet with me that it’s almost over. Even if we finished shooting, we’re still promoting the movie, it’s being talked about so I’m still immersed in it. Maybe in a year, I’ll have moved on.
Are you worried of being pigeonholed as Edward?
Yes and no. it’s true that by playing Edward, I played a character that is atypical. It’s not every day you play a vampire. I know that people compare me to him a lot & that there is a risk of only getting offered vampire roles but in the last 2 years I’ve played in other movies that were from a different genre.
Would you like to produce?
Why not but I’d rather work in screenwriting, I don’t feel ready to tell stories yet but rather help others put theirs into form and go inside their universe. I like that a lot.
In the fourth film you become a dad, was that weird?
Not really, holding a baby isn’t too hard. Now playing a dad isn’t something you prepare for it's definitely something new when you’re not a father but you star to react naturally when you hold a baby in your arms. You feel like protecting it. But when Mackenzie Foy started playing Renesmee (our daughter) older, it was weirder. I told myself, ‘we have a 11 years old daughter.’ *laughs*
Are you living a dream?
I’m living a life that I would have never even dreamed of. Even though in some ways, it helped me become the adult that I am today. I’ve met people that share the same passion and this is amazing. Working with people who invest themselves as much as I do into their work is wonderful.
First of all, how do you explain the crazy Twilight?
If young people are fascinated by vampires, because they are creatures that evolve between two worlds, one dead and the living. I'm not saying that teens are the undead, but often, we give the feeling when we teenager, being torn between two worlds where we do not find us. On the one hand the world of children, the other that of adults. In Twilight, Bella seeks an impossible love, a love sublime.
The hyper celebrity, the Ceres you how?
It's not fame that bothers me is how we are perceived, we actors. People think that just because we are known, our aspirations are different from theirs. Yet if they knew. Our only ambition is to have friends, good quality of life and interesting projects. Like everyone else, what? We must stop believing that when I get home, all the doorknobs in my house are gold and I pay someone to make sure that the temperature of my bath is at the right temperature
SC: The turn of the post Twilight, how you want to negotiate it?
I get to a point in my career where I feel the need to emancipate me artistically. Do not get me wrong. I do not deny nor Bella Twilight. It's just a natural evolution of my career.
What are you going to miss most of Twilight?
The atmosphere on the set, my friends, the complicity we have with the technicians. This is a big family, you know!
And the least?
For the purpose of the role of Bella, I was forced to wear brown contact lenses. And for good reason, in the work of Stephenie Meyer, the heroine's eyes are this color while in real life, mine are green! All times an ophthalmologist had me put drops in his eyes. History that I do not an allergy that irritates me horny!
You seem a very quiet! What makes you angry? If it happens to you ...
(Laughs) The hateful, racist, ignorant. When I hear people criticize without knowing why and how it makes me boil inside.
Do you panic-room of a home? As in that film that you had shot a child, with Jodie Foster?
No! I did not panic-room or guard dog, nor towers, nor Malabar according to the door of my home. I do not have firearms because I am a girl nonviolent. However, I fear very much for being killed by twitter. One day or another, we will locate my address and I was gun down (laughs)!
What is the latest gossip about you that made you cry with laughter?
I do not read the tabloids. So I was quite delirious reported a rumor. The journalist told that since I played Bella in Twilight, I was going outside the theater to raise the wolves!
What is the label pasted press thee, and that you would have been reported that Gave you the most?
It was sometimes said that I was a distant, cold. In fact, I am a very shy. I feel uncomfortable in the interview because I have to talk to me. Or to talk about oneself, one must know and at this point, I feel that there is still a lot of gray area in me!
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